Tepapakanga Regional Reserve

70 kms from Auckland City / 30 kms from Clevedon

Approximate time:  4 hours or more

Date: 01/02/2021

Author: Laura Smart

It was a perfect day and this park did not disappoint.  With beautiful sea, walks, and lots of grass to set up for the day, it was perfect for place for a Sunday drive. 

We drive via Clevedon and stopped and looked at some of the quaint shops along the main street.  Clevedon is such a lovely rural town, and pretty busy with arts and markets close by.

Arriving at Tepapakanga we had no idea what to expect.  There are camping grounds available for those wanting to spend some time here.  The sea was beautiful and the beach is long.  There is an area between the grass and the water that is full of large stones but once over these you have access to the amazing water and a wonderful place to cool off.  There were plenty of families with children in the water having a heap of fun.

We walked along the beach in both directions to get an idea of what was around.  There are various colourcoded walks to enjoy.  Fortunately we had a picnic with us so enjoyed a relaxing lunch and some quiet reading time before going for a dip.  We walked up to the old Ashby Homestead where the original family of 14 children lived.  This lovely home has an amazing view across the bay.

This is such a lovely park I will definitely be back.

 website links:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hiimIeDvo4

Our Tip:

Take food and drink and be prepared for all weather just in case, and of course sun protection.

Things to do nearby:

If you are a keen mountain biker then 440 Mountain bike Park is close by.  Check out their website for details : https://www.fourfortymtbpark.co.nz/

Hunua, Maraetai, NZ Warbirds – all close by but in different directions.  Probably too much to do in one day so a great reason to come back.